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Centro Analisi Terapeutica di Gruppo E.G.A.T.I.N.

European Group Analytic Training Institutions Network




Study Day

“The Didactic Matrix”

April 23, 2005 Rome, Italy

Accademia Lancisiana Ospedale Santo Spirito

Borgo S. Sirito, 3 - 00193 Rome




The E.G.A.T.I.N. Study Day 2005 dedicated to the theme: “The Didactic Matrix”, and the E.G.A.T.I.N. Annual general Meeting, will be held in Rome, on 23 - 24 April 2005, organised by the C.A.T.G., co.founder member of E.G.A.T.I.N. since 1987 and I.A.G.P. member. The Study Day, April 23, will be held in the rooms of the “Accademia Lancisiana”, the historical medical museum of the Ospedale “Santo Spirito”, the most ancient hospital of Rome, Lungotevere in Sassia 3, near Piazza San Pietro. The Annual General Meeting, April 24, will be held in the C.A.T.G., via Mario Musco 42, Rome (zone EUR, near metro stop EUR Marconi).


About the Theme - The “Didactic Matrix” compells us to think about the dynamic factors (conscious, unconscious) involved with the group analytic training, conceived as a dynamic process within the network of our training institutes.


The Scientific Program The theme will be introduced, in the morning, in five lectures, by distinguished group analysts, followed each one by a brief discussion on the theme. The subject will be longer discussed in the afternoon in three small discussion groups*, and reconsidered in a final plenary round table, conducted by Jaime Ondarza Linares and Kristian Valbak, with the intervention of the lecturers and of all the congress members. This presupposes that the theme: “The Didactic Matrix” has been previously discussed in each local institution, to allow the interexchange of the thoughts on the argument.


Plenary Session Lecturers

  • Malcolm Pines, Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, co- founder of the Group Analytic Society

  • Felix de Mendelssohn, Psychiatrist, Group Analyst

  • Romolo Rossi, Psychoanalyst, Professor of Psychiatry Univ. of Genova, Italy

  • Jaime Ondarza Linares, Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, President of the C.A.T.G.

  • Kristian Valbak, Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, President of E.G.A.T.I.N.


* Each discussion group will be conduct by one E.G.A.T.I.N. delegate together with one member of the C.A.T.G. in order to promote a “translation network” english-italian through the group. The italian versions of the main lectures will be distributed at the opening.



Scheme of the Study Day

“Accademia Lancisiana”

Ospedale “Santo Spirito”, Borgo S. Spirito, 3 Rome, April 23, 2005




08:30 - 09:30 Inscription of the participants.


09:30 - 10:00 Inauguration.

J. Ondarza Linares, and Kr. Valbak.


Plenary - lectures: 10:00 - 11:30 1st part. Chair: Luisa Brunori

- Malcolm Pines: “Can group analysis become an academic discipline?”

- Romolo Rossi: “Protagoras. Group and surroundings”

- Felix de Mendelssohn“Glocalisation in the didactic matrix of group analytic training”


11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break. 


Plenary - lectures:12:00 - 13:00 2nd part. Chair: Werner Knauss

- Jaime Ondarza Linares: “Resistances within the didactic matrix”

- Kristian Valbak: “Research in the didactic matrix”


13:00 - 15:00 Break




15:00 - 16:30 Elaboration of the theme in three discussion groups.


16:30 - 16:45 Break


16:45 - 18:00 Final discussion in round table. Chair Jaime Ondarza Linares and Kristian Valbak


18:00 - 19:00 Large group.

Conductor Thor Kristian



20:30 - 23:00 Dinner at the “Taverna Giulia”, Vc. dell’oro 23



Organizing Committee

Jaime Ondarza Linares, Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, President of the C.A.T.G.

Giovanni Guerrieri, Physician, Group Analyst, Segretary of the C.A.T.G.

Anna Maria De Padova, Physician, Group Analyst, Member of the C.A.T.G.

Valerio Sciannamea, Physician, Group Analyst, Member of the C.A.T.G.

Elvira Parasileno, Psychologist, Group Analyst, Member of the C.A.T.G.

Pasquina Feliziani, Psychologist, Group Analyst, Member of the C.A.T.G.

Anna Fayer, Psychologist, Group Analyst, Member of the C.A.T.G.


Office MIDI INTERNATIONAL SRLVia Madonna dei Monti, 20 – 00184 Roma, ItalyPh. +39 06 85304235 – Fax +39 06 85304422E.mail:


E.G.A.T.I.N. Study Day

 Roma 2005




"Può la gruppoanalisi diventare una disciplina universitaria?


Malcolm Pines 

Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, co- founder of the Group Analytic Society




Protagoras. Group and surroundings


Romolo Rossi

Psychoanalyst, Professor of Psychiatry Univ. of Genova, Italy




"La Glocalizzazione nella matrice didattica del training gruppoanalitico"


Felix de Mendelssohn

Psychiatrist, Group Analyst






Resistances within the didactic matrix”


Jaime Ondarza Linares

Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, President of the C.A.T.G.




Research in the didactic matrix


Kristian Valbak

Psychiatrist, Group Analyst, President of E.G.A.T.I.N.











in italiano


Si è tenuto a Roma, nei giorni del 23 e 24 aprile scorsi, l’ “Egatin Annual Meeting 2005”.


La sede dello Study Day è stata quella del Museo Nazionale di Storia della Medicina, situato all’interno del più antico Ospedale d’Europa, l’Ospedale Santo Spirito; sale prestigiose, come quelle dedicate ai padri della medicina occidentale Flaiani e Lancisi, hanno così ospitato i gruppi di discussione tenutisi nel pomeriggio, dopo che nella mattinata le lezioni magistrali erano state tenute nell’Aula Magna.


Il tempo e lo spazio dell’evento hanno avuto una risonanza inaspettata, ma enorme, per la dolorosa circostanza della morte di Papa Giovanni Paolo II e la successiva elezione a Pontefice Massimo di Benedetto XVI, avvenute proprio in quei giorni in Vaticano, a pochi passi da noi che ci trovavamo accanto al magico colonnato di San Pietro.


Il tema dello Study Day, “The Didactic Matrix”, ha suscitato vivo interesse in tutte le Associazioni gruppoanalitiche europee, tanto da richiamare oltre 80 partecipanti, di cui una trentina di italiani, altrettanti occidentali e anche molti orientali, circa venti, in prevalenza polacchi.


Dopo il tradizionale benvenuto del Professor Jaime Ondarza Linares, Presidente del CATG (Centro Analisi Terapeutica di Gruppo), l’Associazione locale che ha organizzato l’evento, sono state tenute cinque letture magistrali, nell’ordine: “Can group analysis become an academic discipline?”, di Malcolm Pines; “Protagoras. Group and surroundings” di Romolo Rossi; Glocalisation in the didactic matrix of group analytic training”, di Felix de Mandelssohn; “Resistances within the didactic matrix” di Jaime Ondarza Linares; “Research in the didactic matrix” di Kristian Valbak.


Nel pomeriggio, i temi trattati nelle letture magistrali sono stati discussi in tre gruppi, con l’attiva partecipazione di oltre venticinque colleghi ciascuno. Il contenuto della discussione è stato poi riportato in una tavola rotonda conclusiva, condotta dal dott. Kristian Valbak, Presidente dell’EGATIN. Assai vivace, e per alcuni versi anche conflittuale, quest’ultima è stata caratterizzata da uno scambio di impressioni ed una libera comunicazione di gruppo attraverso la quale si è forse colta in germe quella che è la matrice culturale e formativa dell’EGATIN.


Il tutto si è concluso con un large group, in cui i radicali emotivi accumulati nel lavoro svolto durante la giornata hanno avuto opportunità di espressione e sedimentazione.

Il giorno successivo, domenica 24 aprile, si è tenuto presso la Sede del CATG l’“Annual General Meeting” dell’EGATIN con la partecipazione dei Delegati per lo svolgimento dei diversi compiti istituzionali.


in english


The “E.G.A.T.I.N. Annual Meeting 2005” has been held in Rome the last 23 and 24 of April.


The place of the Study Day, held on Saturday 23, was the National Museum of Medicine History, within the most ancient Hospital in Europe, Santo Spirito Hospital; glamorous halls, dedicated to the western medicine forefathers Flaiani and Lancisi, gave hospitality to the discussion groups in the afternoon, after the plenary lectures held in the morning in the Aula Magna.


Time and space of the event had an unexpected but enormous resonance owing to the sad circumstance of the Pope’s Giovanni Paolo II death and the successive election to Pontifex Maximum of Benedetto XVI, occurred just those days in Vatican, close to us being a few steps far from the magic S. Peter’s colonnade.


The Study Day’s theme, "The Didactic Matrix", aroused lively interest among all the European groupanalytic Associations, so that it draw more than 80 partecipants, about 30 italians, as many western, and about 20 eastern, prevailing polish.


After traditional welcome by Professor Jaime Ondarza Linares, President of the C.A.T.G. (Centro di Analisi Terapeutica di Gruppo), the local organizing Groupanalytic Association, five plenary lectures were held, in order: “Can group analysis become an academic discipline?”, by Malcolm Pines; “Protagoras. Group and surroundings” by Romolo Rossi; “Glocalisation in the didactic matrix of group analytic training”, by Felix de Mandelssohn; “Resistances within the didactic matrix” by Jaime Ondarza Linares; “Research in the didactic matrix” by Kristian Valbak.


In the afternoon, the lecture’s themes were discussed in three groups, with the active participation of 25 members each. The discussion contents were then reported in the conclusive round table, leaded by Kristian Valbak, President of the E.G.A.T.I.N. Very lively, the last was distinguished for opinion exchange and free group discussion, through that it was possible grasping in germ the E.G.A.T.I.N. cultural and training matrix.


All ended with a large group, where the emotional radicals accumuleted working all the day long had their opportunity of expression and sedimentation.The day after, Sunday 24, at the seat of the C.A.T.G., has been held the EGATIN Annual General Meeting, with the participation of Association delegates for carrying our the different institutional tasks.

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